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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Literature Guide / TIFFS / A7F0074 [1] (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  203KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: chat room | crt screen | laptop | monitor | newspaper | person | sky | windowpane
OCR: AppleShare Print Server File EEIE Printer Window Gutenberg Queue Stotar Imagewriler LT Queue Status LaserWriter 1INT Queue 8t+tw Imagewriter U Queue Status Zippywriter Queue Status: the Print Server printing on 'Zippywriter DO Staff Memo D+o+mber repor' Terr 3+1 figures vrith Frolci Statui Overview Features Benefits The Appleshare" Print Server lets Run concurrently with Alows both programs trun on You continue to work on your Appleshare -ic Sener software vingle:, compuler sledicated Macintosh SFOr! Macintosh: Apple Apple ...- ....- .... MS-DOS compatible computer Never "busy Alloys counenis received From while your documents are being than ore user a the sirme time printed* It reduces the time that while the printer busy Pliminates wairing for other user w? yout computer is tied up with ...